Gardening, Home Improvement

What to Plant with Tomatoes in Your Garden for Higher Yields

Tomatoes gardening

Hear me out, partners! For tomatoes so juicy they practically pop their buttons, you need to call in the cavalry of companion plants. These green rookies might look tender, but they’re old hands at beefing up your ‘mater crops, attracting the good guys, sending pests packing, and enriching that soil for a bumper crop that’s nothing short of legendary. Just a heads up, your veggies might start twanging out country tunes before you know it!

Tomato Garden Companions: Roles and Quirks

Here’s a detailed look at each companion plant’s role in supporting tomato growth and their unique quirks:

BasilRounds up pests and enhances flavorMight make your garden hum in harmony
MarigoldsPacks a pungent punch against soil pestsKeeps your plot pest-free with a pungent perfume
BorageSummons pollinators and enriches tomatoesBeefing up tomatoes, mind the fuzzy leaves
ChivesGuards against invaders and adds flavorAdds zest, watch for spreading
CarrotsDoubles the bounty without the troubleVeggies might develop a taste for luxury living


Basil’s the tomato’s right-hand herb, a real cowpoke in the garden. Plant this buddy alongside your tomatoes, and it’ll start rounding up those mosquitoes, flies, and hornworms faster than you can say “git!” Plus, basil serenades your tomatoes into producing the sweetest, juiciest fruits this side of the Mississippi. Don’t be startled if your garden starts humming in harmony come picking time.


Marigolds are the sharpshooters of the plant world. Behind those sunny smiles, they’re packing a punch that sends soil-dwelling pests running for the hills, all thanks to their pungent perfume. Plant them a stone’s throw away from your tomatoes, and watch as they keep your plot as pest-free as a ghost town after a showdown.


Borage is the town herald, summoning pollinators from near and far to feast at your tomato buffet. This leafy fellow might look mild-mannered, but it’s a powerhouse of nutrients, beefing up those tomatoes until they’re fit to burst. Just mind those big, fuzzy leaves—they’re friendly but feisty!


Chives are the garden’s guardian, keeping a watchful eye out for invaders while slipping a bit of zest into your tomatoes. These green gurus ward off unwanted guests and add a layer of flavor complexity to your crop that’s as surprising as finding a snake in your boot!


Why choose between friends when you can invite the whole gang over? Planting carrots beneath your tomato vines is like hitting the garden jackpot, doubling your bounty without doubling your troubles. It’s a match made in gardening heaven, but watch out—your veggies might develop a taste for luxury living!


Sure, your tomatoes won’t thrive on companionship alone—they still crave sunlight, water, and nutrient-rich soil. But with a posse like this, you’re on your way to a harvest so bountiful, you’ll be handing out tomatoes like they’re going out of style. So saddle up, gardeners, and let’s ride into the most bountiful sunset you’ve ever seen!

FAQs: Tomato Garden Companions

1. Why should I plant basil with my tomatoes?

Planting basil alongside your tomatoes can help repel pests like mosquitoes, flies, and hornworms, thanks to basil’s natural aromatic properties. Additionally, basil is believed to enhance the flavor of tomatoes, making them sweeter and more flavorful.

2. What benefits do marigolds offer in a tomato garden?

Marigolds are known to deter soil-dwelling pests, particularly nematodes, due to their strong scent. Their vibrant flowers also add aesthetic appeal to your garden while protecting your tomato plants.

3. How does borage help tomato plants?

Borage attracts beneficial pollinators to your garden, which is essential for the pollination of many plants, including tomatoes. It also contributes to the overall health of tomato plants by enriching the soil with essential nutrients.

4. Can chives improve the taste of tomatoes?

Yes, chives can add an extra savory kick to your tomatoes. They also play a protective role by repelling certain pests, thanks to their strong scent, similar to other alliums.

5. Why should I consider planting carrots with my tomatoes?

Carrots can be a great companion for tomatoes because they share space efficiently. Planting carrots allows you to maximize your garden’s yield by utilizing the underground space, and they can also help loosen the soil, which benefits tomato root growth.

6. Will my garden start “humming in harmony” with these companions?

While your garden may not start humming, this phrase humorously suggests that your plants will thrive and produce abundantly, creating a harmonious and vibrant garden ecosystem.

7. Are there any quirks I should be aware of when planting these companions?

Each companion plant comes with its own set of quirks, such as basil potentially making your garden hum with activity or marigolds keeping pests at bay with their scent. These unique characteristics contribute to a balanced and productive garden.

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About Connor Smith

Connor Smith isn't your average wordsmith. He once cultivated a flourishing career crafting content in the verdant niche of gardening.

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