Our red roses are very pretty. They are classic and romantic. When someone gets these fresh roses, they will feel very loved and special.
- You get 24 red roses.
- We pick these roses fresh from our best farms all over the world. We take good care of them. We ship them fresh so they stay beautiful for a long time.
You can also add:
- A special red glass vase. It has a fancy bottom. It looks stylish. It is 9 inches tall.
- A clear glass vase that is skinny in the middle. It has lines carved in it. It is 9 inches tall.
- A box of Godiva chocolates. There are dark, milk, and white chocolates. They have yummy fillings from Belgium like smooth cream, soft caramel, and fruit and nuts. The chocolates come in a pretty gold box. You get 9 chocolates.
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