Introducing the Neon Lights Bouquet: a stunning arrangement that captures the essence of a warm, sunny day. This vibrant bouquet is meticulously crafted by our skilled florists to bring a touch of brightness and positivity to any space. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to uplift someone’s spirits, the Neon Lights Bouquet is the perfect choice.
- The Neon Lights Bouquet features sunny, warm colors that can brighten up any home.
- The bouquet is perfect for special occasions or simply to bring a smile to someone’s face.
- The pictured bouquet reflects the original design, but the actual bouquet may vary slightly to ensure the freshest flowers are delivered.
- The bouquet is designed by florists and comes ready to display.
- To keep the flowers fresh, replace the water daily and trim the stems every couple of days.
- Keep the bouquet away from pets, as some flowers and foliage may be toxic to them.
- The Neon Lights Bouquet includes the following blooms:
- Lily
- Rose
- Daisy
- Eucalyptus
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