Enchanted Garden Bouquet
Embark on a journey to a whimsical dreamland with the calming lavender hues of our Dreamscape Bouquet. This thoughtful gift is perfect for sending a warm embrace, whether near or far.
Please Note: The bouquet depicted represents our original design; however, we may substitute certain stems to ensure the bouquet is as fresh as possible. Additionally, variations in the vase used may occur.
– Carefully curated by our florists and ready to be displayed.
– To ensure the longevity of the blooms, it is recommended to change the water daily and trim the stems every few days.
– Pet Safety Advisory: This bouquet may contain flowers and foliage that are harmful to pets. Keep it out of your pet’s reach to ensure their safety.
– Roses
– Lilies
– Alstroemerias
– Carnations
– Chrysanthemums
– Eucalyptus
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