Memories hold timeless significance in our hearts, serving as precious treasures to be cherished forever. Our exquisite sympathy arrangement, composed entirely of white roses, snapdragons, alstroemeria, and more, is a heartfelt tribute to a life well lived and the enduring memories that will forever remain dear.
Featuring an assortment of white roses, spray roses, snapdragons, alstroemeria, carnations, mini carnations, and monte casino, gracefully accented with fresh greenery. Artfully handcrafted by our skilled florists in an elegant clear glass cylinder vase adorned with a Ti leaf ribbon, standing 6 inches in height. The large arrangement measures approximately 16 inches in height and 17 inches in length. The medium arrangement measures approximately 15 inches in height and 16 inches in length. The small arrangement measures approximately 14 inches in height and 15 inches in length. A thoughtful gift suitable for either the service or the home of family members or friends. Each arrangement is uniquely hand-designed by our florists, thus variations in colors, flower varieties, and vase may occur based on local availability. Alstroemeria may arrive in bud form and will gradually bloom to reveal their full beauty within 2-3 days.
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